Saturday 13 September 2014


Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. I made this blog to express my feelings, my life experiences, and my goals. What I have wrote in this blog is based on my real-life experiences and aspirations, related to the arts management program. I am extremely joyous to be sharing this with you all. Thank you!


This is a poem I wrote based on my life, my personal history, and what has made me who I am today.
(TYPE: Freestyle)

1996, the day after Valentines,
In the doctor's hands, I still let my talent shine.
I eventually learned how to paint with my palette fine, even during my darkest and saddest times.

Looking back, I have seen things no child should see.
Memories of abuse and neglect, my past surrounds me.

However, my broken childhood is no excuse, I want to make a stand.
I want to grow and develop what the Lord has planned.
Hopefully, one day the world will accept me as I am.
For I am ready to escape my fears, to escape this life in no man's land.

In school, art and business classes were all I sought.
To strive and learn, these were concepts more important than the cellphone I bought.
I was told "education will direct our minds towards what's real and important".
We will be able to market ourselves in the future, become a positive endorsement.

Today, the world as I see it is my playground.
Yes, it's got swings and teeter-totters, its even got a merry-go-round.
At this point in my life, arts management is my chosen route,
I want to be successful. I want to be the leader in the business suit.

My ability to write, draw, paint, and sculpt is what keeps me alive.
If you've read what I've wrote, I want you to know that my heart is revived.

- Katherina


One thing that gives me hope and happiness is the sound of music. This song called "I was here", performed by Beyonce is a musical song that makes me cry every time I hear it. It is a song that describes what I want in life and how I want to live life.

Press the link above to listen to this powerful song. This song is a reminder that we all should leave a mark on this world for everyone to remember who we are and what makes us who we are. In regards to arts management, I believe that I can change and enhance the views of people when it comes to the life of an arts manager or administrator. It is my dream to share with people, in my circumstance, and with others across our nation, that art is a form of life. It is breathtaking and ground-breaking. It gives happiness to those who have suffered from the lost of a loved one or to those who are in need of a friend. Basically, I want to deliver art to the audience in a spectacular way.


A play that we've talked about in class and that I've dreamed about going to is "The Nutcracker" in Toronto. It's main purpose is to make a profit, of course, but at the same time, it's keeping the ideas of tradition and glamour alive.


My all time favourite book that I have read is Blindness. It revolves around the concept of survival and truth. When the entire world has gone blind, only one woman has the power to see, therefore she has become the leader and giver to these unfortunate blind individuals. The book leaves you with chills going down your spine. It is captivating and mysterious. I highly recommend this novel.

You can comment and question. I love hearing what others have to say (sometimes).


This is a gallery of the artwork that I have created over the past four years. Most pieces have a personal message, while others are just based on my likes and interests.

Friday 12 September 2014

If you have a minute, please read some facts about me on the right side bar, under view my complete profile.